What’s the worst that can happen if you violate a restraining order in Oregon?
My ex put out a fake restraining order and is trying to keep $35,000 with of personal property and work equipment. Been trying to fight this for 8 months and now they are using my stuff like they own it. Not sure what to do but roll up and just load my stuff up and leave cause I really have no other choice at this point
What will happen if you violate a restraining order in Oregon
Court. Dont get your belongings
Do you have proof you own the property? If so, the police can escort you to retrieve it. If your ex is saying it belongs to them you will have to go to civil court.
There isn’t anything fake about a restraining order. Either there is one or there isn’t one. What you need to do is take a step back, compose yourself, re-evaluate your circumstances, come up with a new game plan, and have patience. Even if you are the “victim” here, that mentality will only hurt you more than you already have been. So, first thing’s first, you need to get your head right before you do anything. If you have your heart set on getting your stuff back and/or suing for damages, hire an attorney. However, your other option is to put everything you’ve got into overcoming this massive setback by working for everything you’ve lost. “Precision Lawn Maintenance” or “Ritch’s Handyman Services” etc if you are good at lawn care or home improvements. If you don’t have the equipment to work for yourself, despite your background, there ARE jobs out there. It just might take a lot more time and effort to find one worth having. The greatest revenge is success. Best of luck!
Call the police to do a keep the peace order to get your personal belongings
If you have proof you purchased it, call the police. They should be able to escort you there to keep the peace.
The worst thing that can happen is you go to jail. You should hire an attorney and go to court to fight the restraining order and get your items back instead. Violating the restraining order will only convince the judge that the person who filed against you is telling the truth.
I put a restraining order on someone that had stayed with me briefly. I still had to allow her to obtain her property. You’d likely have to pay for an officer to accompany you to get your belongings (what she was supposed to do)
If it yours take it we can be vindictive at times but if it’s for work an yours just take it don’t breach your order so wait till she’s not there
You can go to the house with a police escort to obtain your personals
To answer your question, you can go to jail