Needing advice.. I live in Ohio.. I have a storage unit for my business stuff. I got a text two days ago that supposedly we were behind on payments and am incurring late fees and facing a line on my unit.
I have all my bills paid through bill pay. My bank automatically sends checks out before the due dates. I go home and check my account and find the paper trails. I message the owner that I have been paying and I’ve been on time since 2020. There was one payment (April’s payment) showing it was paid and mailed (paper trail) but not cashed yet. I sent him the proof of payment. Even after showing him “Proof of Payment He is literally saying, “we’ll I don’t have it so it’s not paid.” He even mentioned that the post office has been horrible and this has happened to someone else..
I called the bank today and had them put a stop payment on the check and I paid my storage unit online. I messaged him asking for the late fees to be taken off since my record and bank records show on time payments. He said, “No why should I remove them you are late. I had a mailing issue with AEP and I had to pay the late fee and so should you.”
Is this normal? As a business owner myself this is not something I would ever do or say, especially with proof of payment and paper trail. Am I wrong? Are there any legal protections on my end when I’m showing current and proof of payments?
Thank you.
I have a storage unit for my business stuff and im behind of payments
No this is not right. If you have proof that you paid you should not pay anything additional. I would remove your items from the unit and find a new place to store it. Tell them to take you to court if they want the late fees that bad.
Change storage company.
Ask to be contacted by the district manager (if it’s not a mom & pop). I used work for a storage company, as long as you’re not in foreclosure it’ll work with great payment history.
unfortunately he’s the owner
If the check was never cashed then it was never paid. I know it sounds terrible and not top notch customer service (because that’s awful) but if the check never cleared then technically nothing was paid.
NAL get ur stuff out of there ASAP because you dont want him auctioning off ur unit with this error on the usps fault and losing all ur property….and having to sue later…which needs proof what was in there and cost of the items etc.
And there is a small chance that they can say you should be checking things have cleared payment to avoid errors or mistakes and then you get nothing possibly ive seen too many crazy things happen in court over things that should never had happened
If he’s the owner , I would just leave to a better storage place preferably run by a company, leave his stupid place and shady business it will happen over and over with him