I am newly pregnant and recently accepted a new job. I never disclosed that I’m pregnant. I know they can’t fire me for being pregnant. However can they let me go for taking off for those appointments during my probation period? One of my friends who works there, said she doesn’t know if they will work with me with those appointments.
Your baby is more important, best to let them know asap. If they don’t work with you, Guess they gonna have to kick rocks because your appointments are more important
Yes, they can let you go for attendance issues in your probationary period
Yep but priorities. I’m probably fixing to lose my job….a job I really like. Because I started thru a temp agency. I’ve been there 3 and a half months. Got hired fulltime last week and my dad passed yesterday. I get 3 days off (unpaid because I’m still in my first 90 days) visitation on Thursday and funeral is Friday so obviously I’ll be out all week because im not missing visitation or the funeral and it’ll put me at 2 points ….2nd week of being full-time. 3 points and I’m gone
I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope they work with you, considering the circumstances.
Ah, I’m starting to think my old toxic work environment was better off to stay there than taken this new job
Pregnancy is a protected class, which includes prenatal appointments. Regardless of how long you’ve worked there.
How sure are you of this? I totally just got REEMED out the behind for this.
I’m an employment lawyer and 100% sure about this. However, other posters are right that there may be proof issues. In the event you are terminated, contact an employment attorney licensed in your state.
I wouldn’t tell anyone at work that your pregnant yet wait about 2 months then just say you just found out you were pregnant, Because with both my pregnancies I didn’t even know until I was almost 3 months
I have two appointments a month for it. My regular dr and a high risk (just seeing one due to a loss at 18 weeks that was rare). They are wanting me to go to every other week soon and I’m not that far along.
NAL. I don’t think they can technically fire you for going to appointments regarding the pregnancy, but they could find another reason to let you go and it could be hard to prove that they let you go because of the pregnancy. If they did and you had proof it was because of the pregnancy you could sue for wrongful termination. It might be in your best interest to disclose the pregnancy, (do it in writing), which would make it harder for them to fire you for missing work. Because once they’re in the know they can’t claim ignorance, but if you keep the pregnancy from them you’re just protecting them and making it easier for them to let you go (if that happens). You might even be pleasantly surprised to find how accommodating they are once you share the news.
Everyone saying being pregnant is a protected class so she cannot be let go are not entirely correct. While she cannot be let go simply for being pregnant, she CAN be let go for other reasons ex: attendance issues. Unless everyone in that HR department is an idiot, they are not going to say “you are being terminated for being pregnant.” They will also have examples where other people, that were not pregnant, were let go for the same reason. This will cover them if the OP tries to claim discrimination.
OP, can you find an OB that has extended hours so you could go to your appointments before or after your scheduled shift?
Even if you’re not legally obligated to tell them you’re pregnant, it probably would have been wise in this situation. Only because they can’t fire you for being pregnant, but they can fire you for calling in and attendance. Had they known beforehand, maybe they could have worked out a schedule that works for both of you… they still might! Speak to them and see if you can find a middle ground. Good luck and congratulations on the new peanut!
I think they will find a reason to terminate her. Using attendance. And if she can skate through the probation period, wouldn’t she also have an attendance problem with the birth?
it would be after 90 days, they are giving me 2 weeks of PTO. However my job wouldn’t be protected because I have not worked there 12 months. So they could let me go then too.
Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?