Bankruptcy and debt Archives - Laws Bay Tue, 24 May 2022 04:52:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Bankruptcy and debt Archives - Laws Bay 32 32 I have a storage unit for my business stuff and im behind of payments Tue, 24 May 2022 04:52:23 +0000 Needing advice.. I live in Ohio.. I have a storage unit for my business stuff. I got a text two days ago that supposedly we were behind on payments and am incurring late fees and facing a line on my unit. I have all my bills paid through bill pay. My bank automatically sends checks […]

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Needing advice.. I live in Ohio.. I have a storage unit for my business stuff. I got a text two days ago that supposedly we were behind on payments and am incurring late fees and facing a line on my unit.
I have all my bills paid through bill pay. My bank automatically sends checks out before the due dates. I go home and check my account and find the paper trails. I message the owner that I have been paying and I’ve been on time since 2020. There was one payment (April’s payment) showing it was paid and mailed (paper trail) but not cashed yet. I sent him the proof of payment. Even after showing him “Proof of Payment He is literally saying, “we’ll I don’t have it so it’s not paid.” He even mentioned that the post office has been horrible and this has happened to someone else..
I called the bank today and had them put a stop payment on the check and I paid my storage unit online. I messaged him asking for the late fees to be taken off since my record and bank records show on time payments. He said, “No why should I remove them you are late. I had a mailing issue with AEP and I had to pay the late fee and so should you.”
Is this normal? As a business owner myself this is not something I would ever do or say, especially with proof of payment and paper trail. Am I wrong? Are there any legal protections on my end when I’m showing current and proof of payments?
Thank you.

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Received a letter from the attorney general that they will sue me Mon, 23 May 2022 19:50:56 +0000 I just received a letter from the attorney general that states that they will sue me money I owe them. About 8 years ago my now ex husband and I opened a business (car dealership) and I put it under my name because he had a judgement against him. I never ever worked in the […]

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I just received a letter from the attorney general that states that they will sue me money I owe them.
About 8 years ago my now ex husband and I opened a business (car dealership) and I put it under my name because he had a judgement against him. I never ever worked in the business because I was a stay at home mom to 3 kids. My ex had told me that he closed the business and I believed him. Now I have come to find out he never closed it and says I have to do it!!!! He also admitted he forfeited it which means he still owes taxes on it. My question is what do I do now???? How do is prove to the attorney general that i never worked in the dealership and never even had access to the money??? We are still going to court for child custody and child support because he is not following the order.

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Co-burrowed a car with a friend and he didnt make payments Sat, 21 May 2022 14:26:44 +0000 I co-burrowed a car with a friend (previously thought i was the co-signer as the car was only for him, recently told I was actually a co-burrower), he didnt make payments on the car for 3-4 months and now have 2 late payments on my otherwise impeccable credit history. Before all this happened, i had […]

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I co-burrowed a car with a friend (previously thought i was the co-signer as the car was only for him, recently told I was actually a co-burrower), he didnt make payments on the car for 3-4 months and now have 2 late payments on my otherwise impeccable credit history.
Before all this happened, i had asked him to sell the car or put the car just in his name and he denies my requests and ignored me for months. Now im finding out that he actually lost the car, and also hasnt paid insurance on it for months and he never told me. Can I take him to civil court? What are my options? My credit score fell 100 points in a matter of 1 month and this is destroying my credit, i am working on buying a house and this is making me very frustrated. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Location: philadelphia, PA

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I have a friend that has owed me money for quite some time Fri, 20 May 2022 21:49:25 +0000 I have a “friend” that has owed me money for quite some time. When he came back from his military service he came home with no job lined up. I let him use my credit cards to purchase some items that he said he could resell for profits. Everything was discussed up front that this […]

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I have a “friend” that has owed me money for quite some time. When he came back from his military service he came home with no job lined up. I let him use my credit cards to purchase some items that he said he could resell for profits. Everything was discussed up front that this was a loan and he understood and agreed to pay me Everything back within a hear. I then went on and decided to let him use my personal eBay account to sell things to help him out. Well that’s when things went south. He listed dozens of Playstation consoles and sold them saying he was getting them from a guy, bit they never came in. So my ebay and PayPal accounts both got deducted for all of the refunds for all of those consoles because he had already used the money when it came in. I couldn’t afford to pay those refunds back, so eventually both of my eBay send PayPal accounts got frozen and eventually shut down because of this. Over the years, this “friend” of mine has made payments to me sporadically, so he still acknowledges that he does owe me, but as of today it’s been about a year since he’s sent me anything. He says he doesn’t have a job, he always says his bank account is in the negative l, him and his wife moved in with his parents supposedly and he’s saying he can’t pay me. He says it would be pointless to proceed with legal action against him because even if I won he’d have nothing to pay me with. So that leads me to my questions….
What type of lawyer/attorney would I need for this particular situation? I’d want legal action to get the money he owes me, and to possibly take action if possible for him ruining my eBay and PayPal accounts. He owes me more than 10k so I would not be able to take him to small claims court. I have kept paperwork of what he owed including interest and payments he’s made. And I also have tons of emails, texts, and Facebook messages from the conversations we’d had regarding what he owes and him acknowledging he owes. At this point I feel like he’s not caring about it anymore and is I’m the mindset of “what are you going to do about it”.
If I do take legal action and win, and he has nothing, how do I get paid?
Thank you to anyone that actually read all of this, and for any advise or information that would be helpful. In Chicago, Illinois.

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I lended someone moeny and till now he has not paid me back Thu, 19 May 2022 11:53:49 +0000 I lended someone $4000 last year, this was written on paper with signatures. Later I lended him 1500 more without written agreement, but I used checks and noted as “personal loan”. Till now he has not paid me anything back, I hope I don’t have to, but if somehow I have to, how much would […]

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I lended someone $4000 last year, this was written on paper with signatures. Later I lended him 1500 more without written agreement, but I used checks and noted as “personal loan”. Till now he has not paid me anything back, I hope I don’t have to, but if somehow I have to, how much would small claim court would let me ask back? The entire 5500 or only the 4000 with written agreement? Thank you for any advice! I need this money but not super urgent, I hope to use it for down payment of a car, my last one is almost dead. I’m from Alabama.

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Getting paid after taking care of a woman that promise to pay Thu, 19 May 2022 00:56:40 +0000 I have been taking care of this woman for two months now. She has breast cancer and liver failure. She doesn’t drive so I take her to appointments and bring her things like dog food for her dogs. She recently won a very big lawsuit in the millions from a bus company. She had told […]

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I have been taking care of this woman for two months now. She has breast cancer and liver failure. She doesn’t drive so I take her to appointments and bring her things like dog food for her dogs. She recently won a very big lawsuit in the millions from a bus company. She had told me she is going to give me a good amount of money.
However she has PTSD and extremely bipolar and she switches on people in a snap. She didn’t answer my messages for a while and I thought she might of died so I went to go check on her but she locked the door and started yelling at me through text and saying she is not going to put me in her will. for about two weeks now she is emotionally destroying me , because every other day I beleive I will get a million dollars and the next day I believe I won’t , the back and forth is making me sick. Is there anything I can do legally?
Current state: Florida

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Rented a 2 car garage and had to file eviction for non-payment Wed, 18 May 2022 18:41:24 +0000 Colorado: Rented a 2 car garage for storage. Had a signed lease and background check done. Had to file eviction for non-payment. During eviction learned the woman I rented to stole the identity of another woman (the two shared, at different times, a boyfriend giving access to the drivers license and SSN used to pass […]

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Colorado: Rented a 2 car garage for storage. Had a signed lease and background check done. Had to file eviction for non-payment. During eviction learned the woman I rented to stole the identity of another woman (the two shared, at different times, a boyfriend giving access to the drivers license and SSN used to pass the background check) at court the woman whose identity was stolen, I’ll call her A (somehow) got the woman who stole her identity, I’ll call her B to appear in court.

The judge vacated the eviction on A and placed B with her correct identity on the eviction. Because of covid she continued the case. Charges were pressed for identity fraud and criminal impersonation with the DA’s office, however B was not arrested in court. B left and then fled the state. I continued to attempt service but B evaded service. In absence of service, judge closed case. Today detective called to say B was arrested and charged under outstanding warrant. B has a court date for the identity fraud and criminal impersonation on 5/16.

How do I re-engage to seek my damages for the eviction? (about 5K with court fees inclusive) B has already admitted in eviction court, under oath, to the identity fraud and criminal impersonation and that she was the true renter of the garage.

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