Comments on: What is considered kid napping? Thu, 02 Jun 2022 07:29:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: karinawinman Thu, 02 Jun 2022 07:29:45 +0000 If no court order gooooo fast before u get served

By: jenniferolmstead Thu, 02 Jun 2022 06:41:20 +0000 Is the child native?
I’m from the islands and they won’t let anyone fight her for that baby
Talk to an elder

By: jenniferolmstead Thu, 02 Jun 2022 05:01:09 +0000 Is there a court order? If not, either parent can take the child anywhere, even out of the country. NAL

By: courtneyjacobs Thu, 02 Jun 2022 02:38:31 +0000 Not kidnapping. No court order, he said sure. If the Dad wants her to stay then he needs to file with the court

By: alexisnicole Thu, 02 Jun 2022 00:56:00 +0000 If there isn’t a child custody agreement in order with the courts, it’s not considered kidnapping. But if can file against you to try and make it where you can’t move so you’ll want to get some type of court order in place ASAP where you can move or reside in Hawaii.
Even if you get served first or don’t file first you still have rights. It just looks better if you file first.
I had a court order stating I couldn’t move out of two counties. The dad over 12 years had NOTHING to do with our son. Not even a phone call.
I move out of state because I didn’t think he’d contest it. His parents were bothered by it and paid for him to file on me for contempt of court to serve jail time for moving out of state. I hired an attorney and we settled on traveling for visitations and they acknowledged we moved and live in this state and etc. My son refuses to see or talk to them and the Dad who legally filed because it’s between us legally hasn’t called or tried to his my son since then either. We filed in Texas originally in 2008 and I moved to Oklahoma. Every state is different so make sure you look into the laws there but definitely act fast to put an order in.

By: cito vega-diaz Thu, 02 Jun 2022 00:01:31 +0000 Definitely get it in writing and notarized. But if he is okay with it (and it’s in writing!) It’s not kidnapping.

By: alicecarey Wed, 01 Jun 2022 21:51:08 +0000 If your the parent and there is nothing with the court saying you can’t you can take the baby where ever you want to it’s called parenting not kidnapping if his mother takes the baby that’s kidnapping.

By: lukewayne Wed, 01 Jun 2022 19:59:21 +0000 As long as father is ok with it. Get it in writing notarized. She will be ok

By: jeremycampbell Wed, 01 Jun 2022 17:53:51 +0000 NAL: The child may be court ordered to stay in New Mexico if Dad files first. Mom needs to file a parenting plan immediately in Hawaii or New Mexico so custody and visitation can be set for both parents. Many of the above comments are providing incorrect info. Seek an attorney’s advice in New Mexico and Hawaii.

By: leethompson Wed, 01 Jun 2022 16:26:42 +0000 Hawaii resident here: is he on birth certificate? If there’s no custody order she can legally take him and move no problem. Baby was born here as well. If babys race is also actual Hawaiian have her call the Kingdom Court Clerk to discuss more.
