police officer Archives - Laws Bay https://lawsbay.com/question-tag/police-officer/ Sat, 21 May 2022 15:30:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://lawsbay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/cropped-Favicon-150x150.png police officer Archives - Laws Bay https://lawsbay.com/question-tag/police-officer/ 32 32 Police officer damaged part of my house and got burned https://lawsbay.com/police-officer-damaged-part-of-my-house-and-got-burned/ https://lawsbay.com/police-officer-damaged-part-of-my-house-and-got-burned/#comments Sat, 21 May 2022 15:30:33 +0000 https://lawsbay.com/police-officer-damaged-part-of-my-house-and-got-burned/ Several weeks ago, a police officer damaged part of my house, resulting in the house burning down 3 weeks later. I have proof of quite a bit of this both before, during, and after the fire. The PROBLEM is, finding an attorney willing and able to take on the police department. The officer involved was […]

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Several weeks ago, a police officer damaged part of my house, resulting in the house burning down 3 weeks later. I have proof of quite a bit of this both before, during, and after the fire. The PROBLEM is, finding an attorney willing and able to take on the police department. The officer involved was nearly fired 2 months ago for an unrelated incident. I tried M&M, but they seem to hire an army of rookie attorneys who cherry pick easy cases without even considering filing a lawsuit against a county / rookie deputy. The fire VERY nearly killed me, and did kill all my pets. I live in FLORIDA

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