hijacked Archives - Laws Bay https://lawsbay.com/question-tag/hijacked/ Thu, 02 Jun 2022 11:15:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://lawsbay.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/cropped-Favicon-150x150.png hijacked Archives - Laws Bay https://lawsbay.com/question-tag/hijacked/ 32 32 My mom passed away in 2019 and left a will https://lawsbay.com/my-mom-passed-away-in-2019-and-left-a-will/ https://lawsbay.com/my-mom-passed-away-in-2019-and-left-a-will/#comments Thu, 02 Jun 2022 11:15:08 +0000 https://lawsbay.com/my-mom-passed-away-in-2019-and-left-a-will/ My mom passed away in 2019 and left a will. My brother is executor of the estate, and has hijacked everything. He sold every asset and pocketed the money. He filed a motion to close the estate and refused to provide paperwork showing where the money went. The estate was somehow removed from probate court […]

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My mom passed away in 2019 and left a will. My brother is executor of the estate, and has hijacked everything. He sold every asset and pocketed the money. He filed a motion to close the estate and refused to provide paperwork showing where the money went.

The estate was somehow removed from probate court and is still being argued in circuit Court.
I have been repeatedly denied due process by my brother and his attorney, who have filed multiple things without giving us notice.
My attorney has appealed, argued and fought all the way to the Alabama Supreme Court.
At this point there is nothing left to fight over, I’ve been completely screwed out of any inheritance, and my attorney hasn’t taken nor returned my calls in over a year.
I’ve had no updates, no news and the only reason I even know about the state Supreme Court was through a Google search.
I moved to another state before mom died, so all of this has taken place several hundred miles away.

I’m trying to keep it short, but there are so many other layers to this onion. Any advice would be appreciated.
I’m from Alabama

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