Comments on: if my child’s father is paying child support can I get its rights terminated? Tue, 24 May 2022 06:16:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: reignjones Tue, 24 May 2022 06:16:47 +0000 oh no ur good an appreciate all feed back good or bad I’m am most definitely keeping a log already as well as monitoring what calls he does make …I honestly do not understand why someone has to adopt a child or why that is a main concern if one parent is already doing both parents jobs to me that makes no sense but I don’t make the laws he was supposed to do parenting classes an he had supervised visits at a facility that did counseling reunification but again he stopped the visits after a month an hasn’t bothered to reinstate then or try to take me back to get other visitation hrs basically pulled himself from their life’s already his legal rights are the only thing still bonding him to the kids an he doesn’t even do that if I call about counseling for the kids he just says they don’t need counseling luckily I found a place that will do it without his ok but Im looking at future situations as well what if one of the kids needs surgery or something big that requires his ok too and he either can’t be reached or doesn’t agree as well as him popping in an out an being rude or hurting their feelings when he is in contact I feel like maybe not now but down the road that is going to take a toll on them emotionally and it’s not fair to them it shouldnt be ok for any parent to only parent when it’s convenient for them where they can just come an go as they please it does more damage then good

By: stephaniemarie Tue, 24 May 2022 05:25:03 +0000 I’m sorry if you thought I felt that way, I was just speaking from what I’ve seen first hand. I completely understand where you’re coming from, as I’m a mom myself, however, they aren’t just gonna terminate his rights (usually) even if he were abusive to the kids. They will recommend counseling, therapy, supervised visitation, etc before that’s even a thought. I honestly think you’d be better off asking him to sign his rights over. But, again, the state probably won’t allow either because there HAS to be someone financially responsible for the kids. And I do not mean that in a demeaning way towards you whatsoever. Good luck! I would prob keep an actual log of how long it’s been Since he’s called/ exercised his visitation rights etc. and speak to your lawyer.

By: reignjones Tue, 24 May 2022 04:48:22 +0000 I feel like most of you think that I’m worried about the child support …was not my focus idc if he pays it or not my question was only if he is on child support does that decrease my chances of having his rights terminated…..maybe I need to give a few more details my reason for seeking full custody with him having no rights is because we were married recently divorced my doing not his we separated because he was physically and mentally abusive and he still has an abuse problem recently arrested for abusing his current girlfriend as well as cys involvement for abuse towards her kids he also emotionally abuses our kids still my oldest hasn’t spoke to him in almost a year because she is no comfortable with him an fears any reaction she will get out of him my youngest goes back n forth with wanting to talking to him when his dad actually does call we have a current order he had supervised visits that he dropped after a month back in August of 2021 had only seen my youngest 1 time since then for 2 minutes an hasn’t seen my oldest at all he has court ordered phone calls daily that he doesn’t make he will go weeks even months sometimes with no calls then he does call an my youngest does t want to talk to him because u just went m.i.a on ur kids for weeks so his dad will call him names an make him feel bad for not wanting to talk to him their dad is in no way beneficial to their life’s he doesn’t even ask about my oldest anymore when he does call and he’s in an out of jail lately for abuse an drug charges I basically already have full custody I just want his calls on visits dropped completely an him to have no rights which is basically what I have right now he only has shared legal which makes it hard for me to get counseling an other things for the kids at times because most places around here require consent from both parents to treat if he has legal rights …he is on CS however he doesn’t pay it half the time he actually currently has a bench warrant for not following his contempt order for CS but I’m not worried about the money he’s not paying any ways I’m doin it solo an honestly prefer it that way over him Poppin in an out an emotionally damaging my kids

By: melinapier Tue, 24 May 2022 03:56:20 +0000 He will have had to not seen the child for a certain period of time as well as not paid child support for it to be considered abandonment. The courts may be flexible but it all depends on what the argument is.

By: reignjones Tue, 24 May 2022 03:06:13 +0000 oh .. I never knew you had to pay any state help back so that’s new information for me thank you and I can only imagine how hard it is to get someone else approved to adopt my fiance who I r been with two an half years wants to but their bio dad is not having it

By: michaelpatton Tue, 24 May 2022 02:19:30 +0000 because if something happens to where you’re unemployed or make significantly less monet and need state assistance they don’t have anybody to go after to get some of their money back

By: reignjones Tue, 24 May 2022 01:58:17 +0000 I don’t understand why you need to have someone adopt them I mean my fiance soon to be husband wants to but I don’t understand why it’s needed I been doing it by myself for 3 years now without them having a dad so why does him being removed matter

By: candaceweedman Tue, 24 May 2022 01:48:10 +0000 NAL but my oldest daughter’s father tried to sign his rights over to get out of paying support and I was told by a lawyer that he could sign his rights over but it would not exempt him from paying support unless I got married and that person would be willing to adopt her.

By: sheilarossow Tue, 24 May 2022 01:31:12 +0000 is right. My ex tried to sign over his rights. The judge wouldn’t let him unless I had someone willing to adopt her. If he signed his rights over and I had gotten on all kinds of government assistance, they’d have nobody to hold financially responsible. They may let him sign his rights over if she has someone willing to sign adoption papers assuming he’s willing to do that

By: angiepotoma Tue, 24 May 2022 00:41:29 +0000 You would have to prove abandonment or him being unfit. It is VERY hard to terminate someone’s parental rights. You’d honestly have a better chance of having him sign over his rights. But that too depends on your state. They’re gonna look at it as another child the state/government has to provide for. Like the above comment stated

The courts are not going to terminate his rights unless there is someone else to take them.
Like an active step parent, but I think there is requirement on that, too, like how long you have been married, etc.
