Comments on: I have a neighbor in a mobile home park what can I do to her Tue, 24 May 2022 11:02:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: chelseacottrell Tue, 24 May 2022 11:02:21 +0000 ohhh maybe speak to a lawyer about sending the neighbor and the LL a cesist and desist letter…that if they continue to harrass or allow/prompt teanats to harass homeowners…theyll be a civil lawsuit from the neighborhood. Maybe try and get the other neighbors effected to get in on it…i highly doubt the LL wants a civil lawsuit with 2+ homeowners having the same issues with a teanat.

By: jeremycampbell Tue, 24 May 2022 10:35:05 +0000 her landlord has been notified multiple times but because she has a feud with the park owners she tells her tenant how to get back at everyone for complaining.

By: chelseacottrell Tue, 24 May 2022 10:02:23 +0000 NAL why not get ahold of her LL and have them address the issue…also file for a restraining order and harrassment charges (get outdoor cameras for any stuff she may attempt while on property. Make sure you got a sign by ur door stating they are being filmed.)

By: leethompson Tue, 24 May 2022 09:43:10 +0000 I bet in her history she’s done this before.
